Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The teaching of Jesus Christ:

Our relationship with God reflects in our relationship with others

By Izar

I have mentioned in my previous posting about the danger of having hatred in our heart, for it is also considered the same in danger as murder.

In here I want to show what Jesus has taught us about the importance of having good relationship with others for the way we relate to others also reflects the way we maintain our relationship with God. Both are considered as equal.

Broken relationships can hinder our relationship with God. If we have a problem or grievance with a friend, we should resolve the problem as soon as possible. According to the Bible, it seems impossible for us to say that we love God while in the same time we hate other people. The way we act to others tells the way we relate ourselves to God.

Jesus Christ clearly said:

“If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23)

It is not enough to give our regular offerings at the church we must also have right relationships with God and others.

Our offerings can be useful for the church in serving people and implementing Jesus’ love for the people. However as the subject of this good deed we should also have the right motivation. We should understand that in a way giving an offering is just a symbolic way of our relationship with God. God is not so poor that should beg us for money. He can create universe just by saying things. It is not difficult at all for Him to complete His works in this world. But He wants us to take part with His jobs. Further more He even wants to use us as His tool of loving for this world.

Our money is also just a tool in front of God and God wants His tool is pure. The money should come from pure resources and the giver should also be pure in motivation.

How good is your relationship with God lately?

How about your relationship with others? Is there anyone that you hate?

Consider what Jesus is saying to us through this teaching.